Pytorch domain adaptation package
This package is created to tackle the problem of domain shifts when dealing with two domains of different feature distributions. In domain adaptation the training data usually consists of labeled source and unlabeled target domain data. The final goal is to achieve a low generalization error when testing in the target domain.
The package supports pytorch only.
The package is available via PyPI by running the following command:
pip install da
Alternatively, if you also want to run examples and modify the code, clone the repository and install it manually:
git clone
cd domainadaptation
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
to get necessary dependencies for running the examples.The common paradigm of machine learning is that train and test data stem from the same distribution. This way, we perform empirical risk minimization on the train data to derive a classifier that we expect to generalize well on our task. Using findings from statistical learning theory we can even make assumptions and give bounds on the generalization performance of the derived classifier.
However, the situation changes when the feature distribution at train and test time is different. Domain Adaptation handles the problem when training in a source domain (XS, YS) and testing in a related, but different target domain (XT, YT), whereas the difference lies in the marginal distribution of features P(XS) ≠ P(XT).
Theoretical Analysis of this problem conducted by Ben-David et al. [13] gives us the following upper bound on the generalization error in the target domain at hand:
The bound consists of three terms: (1) the generalization error in the source domain, (2) the divergence between source and target domain (here variation divergence) and (3) the difference between the labeling functions. Ben-David et al. argue that the labeling function difference is expected to be small for domain adaptation problems, so the focus lies on (1) and (2).
In correspondance to this theoretical analysis Wilson et al. [1] define the general network setup for learning domain-invariant features as shown in the figure below. While the Task Classifier aims at reducing the source domain error, the Alignment Component minimizes a divergence measure between source and target domain representation. Extracting domain-invariant features allows the Task Classifier to perform well when being tested on the labeled target domain data, since it does not suffer from the distributional shift.
As in [5], we refer to this kind of domain adaption techniques as feature-based domain adaptation methods, since the aim is to align extracted feature representations of source and target domain samples.
The main contribution of this domain adaptation package is to provide a collection of prominent realizations of Alignment Components that were proposed over the last years.
Domain adaptation aims at adapting the discriminative model learned in a source domain to also perform well in the target domain. This package implements different Alignment Components that can be attached to an arbitrary network layer, which facilitates learning domain-invariant features. The base network (consisting of Feature Extractor and Task Classifier) is implemented outside the package, only the ouput of the Feature Extractor network is passed as input (see Section Usage Guide and API for an example). This modular setup provides flexible handling of domain adaptation in various variants (e.g. unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation or attaching different kinds of Alignment Components to multiple layers). In the following we present the different kinds of implemented Alignment Components:
The aim of this method is to jointly minimize classification error and maximize domain confusion, which leads to a discriminative and domain-invariant feature representation.
Concretely, the MMD is empirically approximated and implemented by the formula given below:
The representation phi(.) in our package is calculated as the sum of multiple Gaussian kernels, which is is commonly done in this context. Also note that XS and XT represent a batch of source and target domain data in this empirical formula.
Following a similar structure as MMD, CMD uses central moments to calculate the distance between the two domains (source and target) by means of order-wise moments differences. However, no expensive computation of a kernel matrix is necessary. Zellinger et al. [2] also prove that convergence of probability distributions on compact intervals w.r.t. the CMD metric implies convergence of the respective random variables.
In pratice, the empirical estimate of the CMD metric is calculated on a batch of source and target samples (X and Y) given
the formula below. The number of moments K is an important hyperparameter.
This rather simple, but popular domain adaptation method is concerned with aligning second order statistics of embeddings. It can be calculated as the squared matrix Forbenius norm of the covariance matrices of a source and a target domain batch.
The Wasserstein distance is another metric (similar to CMD and MMD) to measure the distance between probability distributions. It gained lots of popularity as a loss function recently, since it has some advantages compared to other probability measures, such as taking into account the properties of the underlying geometry of probability spaces and being also applicable when the two distributions do not share support. The attribute “sliced” refers to the fact that due to complexity reasons the Wasserstein distance is approximated by linearly projecting the features into 1-D space and solving several one-dimensional optimal transport problems in this downprojected space.
Notably is also the fact that the SWD is proposed in a specific framework in [3], while our package implements it as a simple distance function.
Opposed to MMD, CMD, Coral and SWD this domain adaptation method is not directly calculating a distance measure on the raw embeddings, but introduces a domain classifier that tries to predict from the embeddings whether a sample stems from the source or the target domain. By using a gradient reversal layer (GRL) between Feature Extractor and Domain Classifier, the Feature Extractor is trained to output domain-invariant features that do not allow the Domain Classifier to recognize the corresponding domain. Since Feature Extractor and Domain Classifier are pitched adversarially against each other, DANN is an instance of an adversarial domain adaptation method.
WDGRL is similar to DANN by using an adversarial Alignment Component and similar to SWD in the sense that it approximates the Wasserstein distance.
The Domain Critic approximates the Wasserstein distance by maximizing the formula above. The Domain Critic also has to obey a 1-Lipschitz constraint, which is enforced by subtracting the gradient penalty term below.
The final adversarial training objective by the Alignment Component is given as follows (g - Feature Extractor, w - Domain Critic):
Note that gamma is set to 0 when optimizing the Feature Extractor. The Domain Critic is optimized automatically within the domain adaptation package. The authors argue that minimizing the Wasserstein distance gives more stable gradients compared to DANN.
The crucial difference between DeepJDot and all other presented Alignment Components is that it aligns the joint distribution of feature representation and labels between the two domain based on optimal transport. DeepJDot proceeds in two steps according to the formulas below.
Firstly, with fixed network parameters, for a batch of source and target samples the optimal coupling is found. This step matches source and target domain samples that have both, a similar feature representation and label. Note that for target samples only surrogate labels are used, since in unsupervised domain adaptation no labeled target domain samples are available.
Secondly, using the coupling matrix, Feature Extractor and Task Classifier are updated. Source and target domain samples with similar activations and labels are aligned.
The coupling matrix is calculated automatically inside this domain adaptation package. Compared to other domain adaptation methods, DeepJDot also requires source domain labels and target domain predictions.
For demonstration purposes the repository contains a popular image classification example, called MNIST to MNISTM, which was introduced by Ganin et al. [6]. As shown in the image below, the MNIST [7] digits are the source domain images. The target domain is obtained by blending the MNIST digits with real-world color photos from BSDS500 [8].
In the following we train on MNIST and test on MNISTM. We clearly see that those two domains are different in terms of feature distribution. To correct for this domain shift, we will use several domain adaptation algorithms from this package.
Please note that the commands below serve only as examples and do not contain tuned hyperparameter settings for the respective domain adaptation algorithms. While some algorithms work out of the box, others would need more careful hyperparameter tuning.
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9919 | 0.6721 |
python --da_type=dann
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9855 | 0.7480 |
python --da_type=dann --da_lambda=0.2 --all_embeds
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9893 | 0.7917 |
python --da_type=wdgrl
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9861 | 0.8543 |
python --da_type=jdot
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9888 | 0.7029 |
python --da_type=jdot --batch_size=128
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9888 | 0.7806 |
python --da_type=mmd
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9898 | 0.6778 |
python --da_type=mmd --da_lambda=0.3 --all_embeds
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9912 | 0.7099 |
python --da_type=cmd --da_lambda=0.01
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9919 | 0.6445 |
python --da_type=cmd --all_embeds --da_lambda=0.005
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9921 | 0.6649 |
python --da_type=swd --da_lambda=0.1
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9929 | 0.6449 |
python --da_type=swd --da_lambda=5
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9917 | 0.6469 |
python --da_type=coral
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9929 | 0.6754 |
python --da_type=coral --all_embeds --da_lambda=0.1
MNIST Test Accuracy | MNISTM Test Accuracy |
0.9934 | 0.6771 |
This Section describes the interface of the package in order to create a specific alignment component, get the domain
adaptation loss and control the most important parameters. All the communication takes place via the module
In the first step a DABase
object is created given the following parameters:
embeds_size : list
dimension of all the embeddings (activations) of the base network that are passed to this class
embeds_idx : list, default=(-1,)
indices of layer embeddings that should be used for calculating domain loss,
layer 0 = first layer, layer -1 = last layer
da_type : str, default='dann'
specifies which type of alignment component is used
options: 'mmd', 'cmd', 'swd', 'coral', 'dann', 'wdgrl', 'jdot'
da_lambda : float, default=1.0
trades of clf/reg loss and domain loss
overall loss usually calculated as: loss = clf_loss + da_lambda * domain_loss
lambda_auto_schedule: bool, default=False
if schedule for lambda is applied (False => constant lambda)
lambda_pretrain_steps: int, default=10000
steps until lambda starts to increase
steps => number of times get_da_loss(..) is called
usually get_da_loss(..) is called once on every batch
lambda_inc_steps : int, default=100000
total number of steps until lambda reaches value specified in 'lambda_final'
lambda_final : float, default=1.0
final lambda value, if lambda_auto_schedule is 'True'
num_domains : int, default=2
number of different domains (usually 2 - source and target)
num_classes : int, default=10
number of classes of the underlying classification problem ('None'=regression problem)
adv_config : dict, default={}
contains parameters for configuring adversarial da net and optimizer (for wdgrl and dann)
standard parameters are loaded from 'adv_conf.json' and updated with the provided dict
da_spec_config : dict, default={}
contains parameters specific to the domain adaptation methods
standard parameters are loaded from 'da_spec_conf.json' and updated with the provided dict
Default values for adv_config
and da_spec_config
can be found in the following two files:
(specifies properties for adversarial network in case of ‘dann’ or ‘wdgrl’):
"da_optimizer_config": {
"lr": 0.0001,
"weight_decay": 0.001
"da_net_config": {
"layers_width": [
"act_function": "relu",
"dropout": 0.0
(specifies parameters for a specific alignment component):
"cmd": {
"n_moments": 5
"coral": {
"dann": {
"grad_scale_factor": 1.0,
"auto_critic_update": false,
"critic_iter": 5
"jdot": {
"jdot_alpha": 10.0
"mmd": {
"kernel_mul": 2,
"kernel_num": 4,
"fix_sigma": null
"swd": {
"multiplier": 8,
"p": 2
"wdgrl": {
"gp_da_lambda": 10.0,
"critic_iter": 5
Passing a dictionary with the respective entries when initializing DABase
overwrites the default configuration.
Using the created Alignment Component setup in the DABase
object only requires calling the get_da_loss
with the following specifications:
embeds : List[torch.Tensor]
List of all embeddings from the base network. Those are filtered and sorted by 'embeds_idx'
domain_labels : torch.Tensor
List specifying whether a sample stems from source (=0) or target domain (=1)
labels : torch.Tensor, default=None
Labels only needed for 'jdot'; for target domain samples dummy labels can be passed
predictions : torch.Tensor, default=None
Predictions (output of classification or regression head) only needed for 'jdot'
loss : torch.Tensor
loss produced by alignment component, including weighting by da_lambda
da_info : dict
additional stats that might be helpful to debug domain adaptation
(e.g. loss produced per embedding or accuracy achieved by domain critic in case of 'dann')
from da.base import DABase
# configuring alignment component
da_config = {
"embeds_idx": [-1],
"da_type": 'wdgrl',
"da_lambda": 0.1,
"da_spec_config": {
"wdgrl": {
"gp_da_lambda": 1.0,
"critic_iter": 3
"adv_config": {
"da_optimizer_config": {
"lr": 0.0001,
"weight_decay": 0.001
"da_net_config": {
"layers_width": [64, 32],
"act_function": "relu",
"dropout": 0.0
# creating model and requesting size of embeddings
clf_model = Net()
embeds_size = clf_model.get_embed_size()
# creating alignment component
da_model = DABase(embeds_size, **da_conf)
# calculate clf and alignment component loss and update network
for (src_X, src_y), (tgt_X, _) in dataloader:
embeds, y_hat = clf_model(, tgt_X)))
clf_loss = criterion(y_hat[:len(src_y)], src_y) # loss based on source domain labels
domain_labels =, torch.ones(len(src_Y))))
da_loss, _ = da.get_da_loss(embeds, domain_labels)
loss = clf_loss + da_loss
# optimize network based on loss here ...
The pseudo-code above creates an alignment component of type wdgrl with the following configuration:
[1] Wilson, G. & Cook, D.J. (2020) A Survey of Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation. ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol. 11, 5, Article 51 (September 2020)
[2] Zellinger, W., Grubinger, T., Lughofer, E., Natschläger, T. & Saminger-Platz, S. (2017). Central Moment Discrepancy (CMD) for Domain-Invariant Representation Learning. International Conference on Learning Representations 2017.
[3] Lee, C. Y., Batra, T., Baig, M. H., & Ulbricht, D. (2019). Sliced wasserstein discrepancy for unsupervised domain adaptation. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 10285-10295)
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[10] Lee, C. Y., Batra, T., Baig, M. H., & Ulbricht, D. (2019). Sliced wasserstein discrepancy for unsupervised domain adaptation. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 10285-10295)
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[13] Ben-David, S., Blitzer, J., Crammer, K., Kulesza, A., Pereira, F. & Vaughan, J. (2010) A theory of learning from different domains. Mach. Learn. 79, 1–2 (May 2010), 151–175.